We didn't have a Christmas tree this year (2008) so I am showing you the last Christmas Tree we put up. It was a little bit Charlie Brown, but the aroma was wonderful. Since we are now heating with wood, it was somewhat not a good idea to put a live tree in the same room with a wood fire. Especially since our rooms are small and chock full of stuff. I missed it a little bit, but we shared the kids' tree so that filled up the gap.
We spent New Years Day traveling to Stamford CT. for the Greenwich Fine Arts Gun Show. We set up our booth at the show on Friday, and that evening there was a nice coctail party for the exhibitors and special ticket holders. It was a nice evening and we got to see all the wonderful things the dealers transported from the four corners of the country for exhibit. There were several engravers, all who do beautiful work, a very artistic taxidermist, and Indian artist with prints etc. and lots of tables with very fine guns, swords, militaria....one whole room of Indian regalia, some plains Indians, and some Iraqouis. I was very tempted by two dome top, hide covered boxes that some fellows from Alaska showed. There was also another dealer with Indian things, and she had some Noone photographs which were hand colored, enlarged and framed in beautiful gold leaf frames. One of a little girl was especially appealing. George Neuman was there of course. He is such a knowledgeable man on early firearms, and other early things. I stopped at a table displaying Japaneese swords and learned a little about them and the very collectable little decorative pieces that go between the blade and the hilt. There were several beautiful Civil War Swords with documentation. There was also jewelry, photographs, busts, and of course books. We took three tables this year, and selling was acceptable. One has to know a lot about history to truly enjoy a show like this. The more you see and ask questions, the more you learn. The dealers seem to be very helpful, and willing to talk about their goods with you.
We stayed over an extra day, as the years are beginning to weigh on us, and drove home via the Taconic Parkway on Monday. It was a bit gloomy, but a nice ride as opposed to the NYS Thruway madhouse. Next show will be the 24th and 25th at the Convention Center in Albany New York. Look for us there!