Handsome fellow, don't you think? He was born November 22, 1869. He was a conductor on the Erie Railroad, Hornell to Port Jervis run. That is his caboose in the header. He was almost 21 when he married Carrie Alison Nolton

She was born 1/1/1867, so she was 23 when they married 9/6/1890. Together they raised a family of seven boys, including one set of twins born from 1892 to 1904.
The youngest was Theodore Roosevelt Montgomery, born on the day TR was elected.
It has been a lot of fun researching this family. We have met a lot of nice people in our travels. We met a very nice town clerk in Afton, where they were married. She made us a copy of their marriage certificate. We have not been able to find out much about Carrie. According to the certificate, she was born in Courtland, and lived in Windsor. He was born in Harpursville, and lived in Holmesville...all NY locations.
We have been able to trace James' family, on the Edson side, all the way back to the Mayflower. His mother was Adelia Edson, and he was given her maiden name for his middle name.
Adelia's parents were Jacob Edson, and Sophoria Bowen. Jacob traces on the female side to James Chilton, who arrived on the Mayflower with his daughter Mary.
This quest was a lot of fun. We keep hoping to make connections on the Montgomery side, but so far Elias, found in Otsego Co NY previous to 1800 is as far back as we can go there. If you have any clues, we would be glad to hear them.
Three of James and Carrie's sons, and four of their grandsons. This was taken in the early 50's. Back Row: Left to right Lowell, Roger, Ernest. Lawrence, Front row, James, Paul, and Ted Montgomery. Paul, Ted, and Ernest are brothers. Roger, Lawrence and Lowell are brothers, sons of Ted. James is son of Ernest. Nice looking crew! I think this picture was taken in Hornell, or Arkport, NY