Our branch of Montgomerys are an adventuresome lot, who love to hunt, and fish, and camp, and enjoy the out-of-doors. Sometime in 1980, after my father-in-law died, we were visiting Mom Montgomery, and she gave me a box of pictures, and negatives, that she thought might have been Dad's. She thought his oldest brother Dud (Henry Dudley Montgomery) had taken most of them. Few were marked with the names of the people, but the one on the right above was marked Cameron, NY, Canesteo River.
Once upon a time, when Dad's next older brother was visiting, I got him to sit beside me on our couch (sofa) (davenport) , and identify all the people he could. I wrote as fast as he scanned. We got the names of almost everybody, even the dog. But, being male, he didn't remember the names of the little girls. Some of the pictures were just negatives, and we didn't get them printed until after Uncle Ernie died, and he was the last of that generation, so we do not have identification on them.
My husband, Roger, remembers his Dad, Theodore Roosevelt Montgomery, talking about camping on the Canesteo River. The pictures tell the story.
Above left is James Edson Montgomery, and Ralph Kenneth Montgomery rowing a load of camping gear and supplies to the site. On the right above is the camp all set up. In the center is Theodore (about 6 years old, 1910) watching his mother Carrie, and his sister-in-law Fanny cooking the catch for the crew.
Lower left is Fanny Esther Osborne Montgomery, with a little unnamed friend and a big catch.
How peaceful the river, how quiet the camp, how much fun they had!!! Remember when?
Thanks, mom, I love these pictures. I am signing in as Lizzie, since blogger won't let beta users sign in.
Happy Thanksgiving!
wow gramdma i love the blog! we come from great stock don't we?
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